Antenna Systems
Since we were founded in 2004, Seasat A/S has been involved with selling and supporting maritime VSAT antenna systems. We have installed countless antennae and have developed a deep understanding and experience with this specialized piece of equipment.
We work directly with the leading manufactorers of stabilized antennae and are certified and trained to sell, support and service VSAT and TVRO systems from: Cobham Satcom (Sea Tel and SAILOR brands), Intellian and KNS.
We are particular with the suppliers we work with and the products we choose to recommend. We deliver to vessels sailing in the most demanding weather conditions, so the equipment has to live up to the highest standards.
Across our suppliers we can offer VSAT and TVRO antennae ranging from 45cm to 3.5m in all relevant frequency bands such as L/Ku/Ka/C and X-band.
Choosing a VSAT system
The choice of VSAT antenna system is often determined by the satellite service it needs to operate on. A VSAT system needs to be certified to each satellite network, so your preferred service will likely have a list of VSAT systems to choose from. The range of products is large and in most cases it requires specialist knowledge to decide exactly which antenna system is the right one for the job. Seasat can help with this selection.
Choosing a TVRO (TV Receive Only) system
Chosing a maritime satellite TV system is simpler but still requires some consideration. As a rule, the larger the dish, the larger the coverage area. This is determined by the laws of physics.But exactly which coverage is needed is determined by the satellite TV broadcast that is of interest to you. If you have a list of channels you want to receive, you can look for a satellite TV provider offering these. The satellite TV provider will broadcasts these on selected satellites with specific beams. When these are known, you can select the right size of antenna to choose from.
Again, Seasat can help, so don’t hesitate to reach out for advise.